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Design for a revolutionary technology

The Cylite HP-OCT is a revolutionary ocular imaging and measurement device that overcomes issues of motion artefacts or data error that result from patient eye movement during traditional imaging procedures. Aimed for use in a variety of clinical settings, including both research laboratories and patient-serving clinics, the HP-OCT has been designed to integrate a high technology core within an ergonomic, user-friendly exterior.

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Design Objectives





The Team We believe good design happens by expert people working as a team.

Kynan Taylor Project Leader

kynan taylor cobalt about thumbnail 2110

Jack Magree

jack magree cobalt about thumbnail 2110

Graeme Marshall

graeme marshall cobalt about thumbnail 2110

Marcus Krigsman

marcus krigsman cobalt about thumbnail 2110

Nat Hunt

nat hunt cobalt about thumbnail 2110

Mark Matthews-Frederick

mark matthews frederick cobalt about thumbnail 2110

Andrew Fanning

andrew fanning cobalt about thumbnail 2110

Adam Dean-Smith

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Cobalt's brilliant design makes our world-first technology shine on the world stage.

Grant Frisken  Cylite Founder and CTO

Commercial Impact Health professionals can screen more patients, more accurately, across a number of conditions.

Launch splash

Redefining the category

Stimulating innovation

Early intervention

Other Work