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Concentrated Analysis

STATx uses microfluidics technologies to perform multiple blood tests simultaneously. The instrument is used in small to medium-sized pathology laboratories to identify blood types for blood transfusions. STATx is a major advancement in pathology systems due to its compact size (less than half the size of competitors) and processing speed. Physically, it is unique with all core components- such as camera, scanner, work tray, touch screen, barcode reader and Wi-Fi connectivity all integrated into one ready-to-use product.

A revised workflow and custom GUI were developed to enhance usability, improve productivity and overall test performance

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2010 Australian International Design Mark

Australian International Design Mark

Design Objectives

Compact Form

Improved Performance




Visual Language

The Team We believe good design happens by expert people working as a team.

Warwick Brown

warwick brown cobalt about avatar 2110

Lorrin Windahl

Lorrin Windahl

Ricardo Figari

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Daniel Booker

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Steve Martinuzzo

steve martinuzzo cobalt about avatar 2110
Scientist collecting test tube and interacting with STATx reader.